Hello World

This is a picture of me.


I made this blog to explore and practice web development as well as curate better habits in managing my time.

I think it helps to have something like a blog or journal to write in when developing habits, simply because of the repetition and cadence.

It's my hope that writing on this blog on a regular basis helps me think more carefully where my time is going. And perhaps exercises whatever semblance of creativity I still have left in me...

A little about me

I'm 26, and I live in Des Moines, Iowa. I'm lucky to be married to the absolute best person I know, and I have a dog named Olivia Benson (yes, like from Law & Order). My wife and I love to travel and run/bike around Des Moines (usually to breweries or restaurants). As you can imagine, Covid-19 has really put a damper on these things, but we've found other things to do...

Some things that are currently interesting to me, and I enjoy thinking about are:

  • How do I cultivate good habits?
  • What makes a good product and how can I make one?
  • Various business ideas and ways to make money
  • Home improvement
  • Making Craft Cocktails

Stuff I Like:

  • Coding 👨‍💻
  • TV Shows 📺
  • Books 📚 (and audiobooks)
  • Music 🎷
  • Motorcycles 🛵
  • Travelling 🧳
  • Skiing ⛷
  • Iowa Hawkeyes 🦅

Stuff I don't like:

  • Cilantro 🤮